by Lev Horodyskyj | 10 October 2023 | First Person
Translator Tags: Inflection Points As I sat conversing with Dr. Roberto Greco about our career pathways and our shared interest in geoscience education and its research after the end of the GeoSciEd conference in Campinas, Brazil, in 2018, I realized that I had come...
by Lev Horodyskyj | 3 August 2021 | Field Notes, University of the Virgin Islands
Lack of Curiosity Killed Schrödinger’s Cat Tags: The grand finale of my modeling lab sequence at the University of the Virgin Islands in spring 2021 was going to be a 3D model of the orbitals of the hydrogen atom. Although often portrayed as tiny balls orbiting...
by Lev Horodyskyj | 15 June 2021 | Field Notes, University of the Virgin Islands
@Home Modeling Tags: Imagine that you’re taking a movie-making course. On the first day, you learn that movie-making requires writing a script, auditioning actors, framing your shots, editing, audio remixing, special effects, post-production, and distribution. ...
by Lev Horodyskyj | 12 January 2021 | Field Notes, University of the Virgin Islands
Home Labs Tags: US Virgin Islands | USA Labs. They are often a dreaded component of science courses. They tend to be long, highly technical, and not particularly creative either in terms of experimental approaches or report write-ups (not if you want a good grade,...
by Lev Horodyskyj | 5 January 2021 | Field Notes, University of the Virgin Islands
Observation Journals Tags: US Virgin Islands | USA A new chapter begins at the University of the Virgin Islands on St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Quality online science teaching has always been difficult, even more so during a global health emergency. What can make...