22 March 2022
We are continuing to keep tabs on our colleagues in Ukraine, who remain safe in western Ukraine. Meanwhile, I am settling down here in Brazil where we’re starting to recruit students for our Amazon River schools project. We are still recruiting students for the summer through the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science Young Scientist Program. Applications are due April 15th and the program runs June 1st through August 31st. All our other projects are chugging along, with new activity in Public Works this month. Additionally, we have a new project we’ll be deploying soon. More information in the coming weeks!
Public Works

In early March, our student intern Nikita accompanied Dr. Dario Carbone to a private wedding at Magens Bay in the US Virgin Islands. Here, they answered questions the wedding guests had about the universe, tested out a few travel activities for our OAD astrotourism grant, and gave attendees a laser-guided tour of the night sky. The guests gave overwhelmingly positive feedback on the event.
You can support the continued development of this project through GlobalGiving. The Little by Little campaign runs April 4-8, where small donations ($50 and lower) are matched at 50% all week.
Seeking Summer Students
Finally, we are seeking summer students to help out with the Agavi and Greenworks projects. Students must be active or recently graduated undergraduate students who have not yet started graduate school. You can be located anywhere in the world. Apply to the Young Scientist Program through our partners at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science by April 15th. In addition to experience in working as part of a team on challenging interdisciplinary education projects, you’ll partake in a curriculum that includes public communication, social media, and ethics in science. The program runs from June 1st through August 31st and is conducted remotely.
Available Science Voices Projects: