24 March 2021
This week, we’ve kicked off the next iteration of our Greenworks program. In this program, students from multiple universities work together to learn about the science behind various environmental challenges as well as governance structures and how they make decisions, then role-play as fictional countries attempting to resolve various diplomatic challenges. Once the international students complete the program, we work with them to develop a long-term and sustainable program for community change to address an environmental issue that is of local importance. You can read more at the new dedicated Greenworks page.

In the current Spring 2021 Cohort, we are working with Khairun University (Indonesia) and Arizona State University (USA). Eleven Indonesian students are working with an ASU political science class to explore environmental diplomacy, led by Dr. Lily Ishak and Dr. Halikuddin Umasangaji. In addition, our student group from the Summer 2020 cohort has used part of the funding that you generously donated last spring during GlobalGiving’s Climate Action Campaign to begin building upcycled trashcans from old plastic bottles to teach students how to reuse plastics and sort their garbage. Organic waste collected in the trashcans will be diverted to Khairun University’s composting project.
We will be joining GlobalGiving’s 2021 Climate Action Campaign during Earth Week in April, where your contributions will be matched up to $100, which will continue to finance student projects at Khairun University.
On the Agavi front, we are sad to bit farewell to Manuela, who is moving on to exciting new user experience design opportunities. We are thankful for her contributions in helping design the first iteration of Agavi, which is nearing its first testing with select teachers, and we will miss her. We are excited to welcome Jonathan to the team, who will be working on the student and teacher analytics in Agavi. We think it’s critically important that a digital learning system provides you, the teacher, with actionable information, not just interesting statistics. We’re excited at what we’re developing and can’t wait to share it with you!